CX Cloud
Establishment at Suite 703A, 80 Mount Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about CX Cloud: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Contact Information
Suite 703A
80 Mount Street
North Sydney
NSW 2060
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1300 884 928
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Questions & Answers
1. What is the phone number for CX Cloud
The phone number for CX Cloud is 1300 884 928.2. Where is CX Cloud located?
CX Cloud is located at Suite 703A, 80 Mount Street North Sydney, NSW 2060.3. Is there a primary contact for CX Cloud
You can contact CX Cloud by phone using number 1300 884 928.4. What is the web address (URL) for CX Cloud
The website for CX Cloud is CX Cloud
CX Cloud provides leading customer experience technology that is powered by Enghouse Interactive, a global leader in Cloud Solutions. Our product will help your business to maximise customer interaction, which increases both customer acquisition and retention. That means increased sales and profits.
With any form of digital or voice communication, our solution gives your customer experience team more time to work on proactive customer engagement by increasing their productivity. Essentially we offer customers the ability to respond to their clientele optimally, which means as quickly, efficiently and as easily as possible.
We’ve designed CX Cloud to be an all-in-one virtual contact centre suite that grows with your business, with features including:
• Predictive Dialling
• Multimedia Recording
• Administration Tools
The product is scalable so you can manage peaks and troughs in demand, while the elimination of capital expenditures means you also reduce IT overheads.
So, how does it work?
We offer a Cloud Contact Centre solution that is powered by Enghouse Interactive CCSP. This is the first cloud contact centre that offers full multi-unit tenancy as standard. This customer interaction management solution is offered to organisations from all industries and of all sizes throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Our use of CCSP is vital, and its reputation for simple, fast deployment, flexible integration and a rich feature set has allowed us to deliver a remarkable product. In fact, Enghouse Interactive’s product is the most chosen provider of cloud contact centre platforms to top-tier telcos worldwide.
Why is CX so important when choosing technology?
More and more companies are looking at the ways in which technology can improve CX rather than the logistics of the technology itself. Cloud-based options are beneficial because unlike legacy, on-premises options they are easy and inexpensive to operate and capable of rapidly responding to contact centre evolution.
Your CX capabilities are also continually improved by your relationship with us a service provider, as we help you stay ahead of the latest trends and requirements. We also assist in filling in any technical skill gaps and ensuring your technology and operational skills are capable of delivering a seamless user experience.
Who could benefit from CX Cloud?
Our contact centre suite is perfect for any organisation seeking to optimise CX. It is especially useful for large enterprise customers that need to set-up multiple disparate contact centres, business process outsourcers and service providers that want to use a single hardware infrastructure within the Cloud.
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